
The Migration from from Russia

The sporadic mentions of the muslims arrived in Finland can be found of the documents dealing our country since 16th century. In the first half of 19th century islamic workers took part in the works of the fortress and its improvement. Among them could be noticed to have some form of organized collaboration and activity.

The majority of the muslims arrived in Finland has moved in the second part of the 19th century and in the beginning of 20th century. The migration continued about constant until the year of 1925.

The Muslims moved in the new homecountry were mostly origin of small farmers to make their living of agriculture, lived mostly in Russia in the muslim villages of Aktuk, Suksu and Kujsu, which were located in the governorate of Niznij Novgorod. Some of the villagers traded all year in the area of the county of their own. In addition of agriculture followed trading in the wintertime further among other things with Finnish. Finland was that time read as an autonomous country of the Grand Dutchy of Russia, and there were no barries to connect with the trade routes from Russia to Finland. These trade routes were stabilisized and when the income opportunities fade away because of opportunities of the trade venues in Russia, the familiar trade targets attracted more and more closer. More and more settled permanently to live in Finnish side.

The settling

The islamic migration complied by inner passing of population from outermost regions to urbans. The bigger towns and provincial centers were choosed as a place of living. The important moving stage was Terijoki, from where the expansion began through Viipuri along the coast to Kotka, Helsinki, Turku, Pori, Vaasa, Oulu and Kemi and through inland to environment of Helsinki, in particular to Järvenpää and Tampere. The targets of the third route was Lappeenranta, Varkaus and Kuopio.

The Formation of the Community

When the migration become steady and rolling trade changed to business make in the same location the mutual contacts between islamic people increased. Cooperation was needed, because it was necessary to make at least some kind of frames to fulfill outsides conditions of the religion.The feel of cooperation was established by the common language, the common religion and the same place of birth. It was also important to cherish national originality in the strange cultural surroundings.

To cherish traditions and national and reigious habits in Helsinki there was established the muslim charity association, the rulers of which were confirmed by officials in 1915. The muslims of that time were to practise their religious activity in temporary rented places. The funds of cooperation were received as offerings. Mostly the benefactors wanted to be unknown. The charity association, as it is coming up of the name, was not registered as a religious congreation. The Finnish legal system didn’t give yet possibilities to non-christians to establish especially religious assocoation of their own although practically the attitude towards people of other religion was rather tolerant.

The Foundation

The religious freedom after coming in force made possible for the muslims “to legitimake” their religious acting. This was expecting almost three years , there still existed the charity association and under that the religion could be practised and make religious actings of islam. In September 1924 to the Ministery of Education was submitted an application by Finnish Muhammedan congregation to confirm bylaws of congreation and other actings of religious freedom. April 24th in 1925 the Finnish muhammedan congreation was registered to the register of other religious communities. In the decision of government can be read: “In the letter for government the Imam W.A. Hakim and the merchants Ymär Abdrahim from Helsinki and three other islamic people living in other parts of Finland, following by specifications of 13th article of specifications of the religion freedom, have declared of establishing “ the Fnnish Islamic congreation” a religious community, that is situated in Helsinki and it’s board is forming of the imam W.A. Hakim and the merchants Ymär Abdrahim and Nur-Muhammed Ali from Helsinki and Ismael Arifulla from Kotka. And Imad samaletdin from Tampere and are inclosing in this declaration a report of creed of the community and the form of the public religious acts and the agreement of the specification of the congreation….”.

The first chairman was selected Weli-Ahmed Hakim by the board.